【Lagavulin 12-year-old Pure Islay Malt White Horse Distillers Ltd Glasgow】 類 別 : 單一麥芽威士忌 酒精度 : 43% 香氣: 清新煙燻味,伴隨著淡淡橙香,仲夾住少許皮革味,非常古典淡雅 口感: 口感依然清新,酒體輕柔而飽滿,柔順煙燻泥煤味和橙香佔據左整個口腔,還有少許薄荷、合桃味,層次豐富,尾段更有絲絲青草味 尾韻: 中長,煙燻香於喉嚨慢慢散發,夾帶著焦油、泥煤 Type: Single Malt Scotch Whisky Alc: 57.1% Nose: Fresh smoky flavour with fruity orange notez, a hint of leather Palate: Freshy but complex, Soft but bodied, palate are filled with peaty and smoky flavour, a hint of mint and walnut, grassy flavour at the back Fnishing: medium finishing, smoky, tar and peaty